The Walk & Ride Challenge
The mission of this annual event is to encourage your employees in your Transportation Management District (TMD) to learn how easy it is to incorporate walking into your daily routine when you consider alternative commute modes other than driving alone and sitting in traffic.

Track Your Steps
With your smartphone, you'll track the number of steps you take each day and enter them into your account on our online log. Here is how to use your smartphone to track your steps.

Watch Your Progress
You'll be able to watch your team's progress and check yourselves against other participating teams on a weekly basis.

Only Walking
This Challenge tracks walking ONLY. Do NOT track or report steps or activities from biking, rollerblading, running, aerobic classes, and other forms of exercise.
Gift Card

Individual Prizes
Each week, participants walking more than 10,000 steps will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card! Throughout the Challenge there will be other opportunities to win.

1st Place Team
$50 Gift Card for each team member

2nd Place Team
$35 Gift Card for each team member
NOTE: Montgomery County Government (MCG) employees are NOT eligible for cash prizes. Individual prize drawings will be held each week among MCG employees. "Grand prizes" consisting of special promotional items will be provided to the top three MCG employee teams logging the most steps at the conclusion of the Challenge. Winning teams and participants may also be recognized in articles in Department newsletters and in other ways.

3rd Place Team
$25 Gift Card for each team member