The Walk & Ride Challenge
Walking & transit is an ideal combination. You might not live close enough to your job to walk to work. So, ride Metrorail and walk from the Metro station to your workplace or use Ride On or Metrobus. Walking is free and thanks to MCDOT's FareShare program and the Maryland Commuter Tax Credit program, there are big savings available to companies that offer transit benefits to their employees!
Combining walking and transit is very eco-friendly too! You can "Go Green on Metro," because Metro is adopting hybrid buses, CNG and clean diesel technologies. In addition, Montgomery County Ride On has been replacing its diesel buses with clean-burning fuels.
Never used transit? It's easy! Just contact Montgomery County Commuter Services at mcdot.commuterservices@montgomerycountymd.gov or 240-773-2989 or go to www.montgomerycountymd.gov/commute for more information.
Walk Smart, Walk Safe
Be Alert -- Pay attention. Look, listen and watch all traffic and pedestrian signals.
Be Smart -- Always use sidewalks and crosswalks. Make eye contact with drivers to make sure they see you before stepping off the curb.
Be Safe -- Never insist on the right of way. Be conspicuous, be courteous, and be careful.